
lördag 14 november 2015

Paris - jihadi terror, racism and antisemitism.

A world is in shock as terror strikes again in Paris.
The terror acts in Paris show us the reality of the inner world of these perpetrators. They are ready to kill and die for a sick "holy" cause. This same, sick cause is the primary reason behind the flood of refugees, who in their homelands experience these horrors on a daily basis. 
A terror act like this, is a gift to extreme right wing elements, who now have their proofs! Many of these refugees, will now be blamed of being secret terrorists, the same terror they are fleeing from in their homeland. Sometimes this spills over on people in general. When people write of their disgust concerning the beheading of Christians and Yazidis and then write posts like "Don't bring these idiots here", they have lost track of who is perpetrator and who is the victim.
Yes - there is a challenge in Europe with these radical islamic forces and who obviously succeed in attracting many young. More resources will be needed to keep track of this.
As important as to not deny the terror threat, it is important to not blame the people fleeing from these very forces in the Middle East. They are not terrorists, they are victims of terror. They are more appalled by this terror than we are.
If we want to be a beacon of civilization (which we often claim in words, at least), let us be civil, have a generous attitude toward the needy refugees. It doesn't mean we can't be sober concerning problems arising.

What adds the bizarre to this terror nightmare, is the fact that the Jew gets blamed again. Now Palestinian rights activists raises the possibility that Israel was behind the gruesome attacks! The same happened after the attack against Charlie Hedbo, in which connected attacks were made against jews directly.
There is an interesting connection to Israel, though. 1894 in an antisemitic plot and through miscarriage of justice, the french jewish officer Dreyfus was falsely condemned for espionage and treason. He was sentenced for life and sent the infamous prison camp, "Devil's Island" in French Guiana, to many more known through the book "Papillon".
During the trial, mobs were chanting "Death to the Jews!" The hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl, who witnessed this, understood that if this could happen in the very country in Europe, where the Jews had been most integrated in society, they would be safe nowhere and that was then the vision of a safe home land, a Jewish state was born, which ultimately led to the birth of the state of Israel. 
As an additional twist to this story, Dreyfus who had evidently been sentenced on false charges, was acquitted 1906. Antisemitic groups saw this as a proof of a jewish plot. A right wing activist shot and wounded Dreyfus in an attempt of murder. 
So in the end, the anti-Semites could still blame "the Jew" anyway, first for espionage and treason, and then for being a part of jewish plot to free him.
Now Palestinian rights groups blame Israel for the horrors in Paris, which are most likely carried out by islamic terrorists! It severely hurts their credibility! Or would, if anyone noticed it!

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