Bad weather usually means more reading time, since you can't be out, either relaxing in the sun or tending to your garden. I have enjoyed some interesting books on varied topics as pentecostal missions and revival in Brazil, on the need for rest, on theology of missions, on writing, on forgiveness, on the Siberian Tiger plus a slow Grisham and some others. My bird book has not been so much in use, though.
Vacation means family time, which is invaluable. Life is often quite hectic and vacation time gives more space for quality time with all members of the family. A roadtrip on 7000 km through Europe and much to see. Two of my daughters have been living abroad, so it was nice to see them, both in their respective homes abroad and back home here as they have now returned Sweden. Relation spells T I M E. Thankful for that this summer.
Most northern inhabitants shrug a bit as they understand summer is nearing its end and a new season is to set in. Maybe it is because we in a modern society spend so much time during the rest of the year inside our working places, offices etc.
I am grown up on a big farm. End of summer was not a disaster. It actually brought us into a new, very exciting season, autumn. In english it is sometime called fall, maybe because the leaves fall off. The Norwegians have a more positive approach. They call it "høst", which is also their word for harvest. At our farm autumn meant harvest time. The fields were full of ripening crops. Autumn is also hunting season and the time when all the fish we grew in large dams where to be "harvested". End of summer was a time of anticipation.
We had a truly great Europe Conference this year. Glad to see the many guests from China, Russia, India, Ukraine and many other places. The conference touched hearts deeply, it manifested Christian unity, it urged to heeding the great commission, it inspired to dream bigger dreams and press on forward. I believe we are in the beginning of a new season where things will speed up and intensify, not the least in missions.
Right now forty pastors from the Word of Life network are in India. In about a week we have a team heading for Iraq, we have about 10 volunteers heading for Vietnam and India. About 15 bible schools will start up a new school years. Autumn is he start up time for a new fruitful year, with a multitude of transformed lives on the different missions fields.
I am full of anticipation!