I am on my way to Shanghai. While still in bed this morning, I got an alert from the air company that my flight was cancelled. They promised that they were working to rebook me on another flight. I should just wait for info as it would come.
I don't like passive waiting, especially since I understand that the air company is not as eager as I am to have me there in time. They also try to avoid costs. I have learnt to take all the steps I can. That radically raises the chance to get you where you need to go in reasonable time.
Part of my allergy to passive waiting is probably my years of living and traveling in the Soviet Union/Russia. Delays were very common and it was impossible to get any usable information. They would announce in the loudspeakers systems that the plane is delayed and that there will be new information in two hours. When time was up a new announcement came, "New information in two hours".
No one has ever described the apathetic mood that besets the traveller stranded in a soviet airport as the Polish author Ryszard Kapuscinski in his book Imperium. A recommended read by many accounts, if you ask me.
Since we are not trapped in a failing soviet system, we could with some very good help from staff at the missions department rebook. I now instead got a ticket via Dubai, and not Copenhagen. The flight was scheduled three hours earlier than the original flight. Packing, showering and getting dressed in record time and off to the airport. Something I am really happy for is that I live 25 minutes from Sweden's biggest airport. It makes traveling a lot smoother,
Now in Dubai for some hours at early night and then on to Shanghai for some busy days.
lördag 5 december 2015
söndag 22 november 2015
Secular Vietnam growing hungry for God
I am homeward
bound via Bangkok. An intense week in Hanoi is completed and I am very happy
and satisfied. It was really great to see our Vietnamese friends again! They
must be among the friendliest peoples on earth. One should not confuse that
with weakness, though. Behind the kind surface is a strength that surprises. The
French and the Americans learnt that lesson 40-50 years ago.
Vietnam is
still ruled by the Communist party. The Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, of course
inspired by Lenin’s at the Red Square in Moscow, is still one of the main
attractions in Hanoi. Behind that official allegiance to socialist ideals,
capitalism is moving in like a freight train. On that train are all the modern
commodities you can imagine. Even if the hordes of scooters still dominate the
streets, this is quickly changing and the number of cars is growing. Brand fashion, high
end electronics and luxury cars, even though they are not as prevalent as for example in China, they all tell the story of a definite departure from a Soviet style
commando economy.
This leap
can only take place with a greater openness to the world. Pressed by China,
Vietnam looks for alliances with APEC nations as USA, Japan Australia. There
are signs that the governments earlier harsh attitude toward churches is
changing. Unlike Europe that becomes more and more secularised, Vietnam goes the
opposite direction. Even if there is a majority of nominal Buddhist and a Christian minority of about 10 %, Vietnam is largely secular. Maybe up to 70-80
% are considered nonreligious, an effect of long atheist communist rule. From
being a very secular nation, it now turns more and more to religion. There is a
growing spiritual hunger. This means that there is a window of opportunity here,
as a nation of 90 million opens up for the gospel.
witnessed a tremendous multiplication effect already and where Word of Life is
now present in over 40 provinces with pioneer churches, which are led by our former
bible school students, I am convinced that we have great days ahead. I know
that the already more than 1000 students, who are strategically placed across
the country, will make a huge difference. The seeds sown across the land will
grow and multiply. Word of Life is ready to engage in the harvest.
It was
great to place the board meeting of Word of Life International in Hanoi this
time. We represent many hundreds of churches that are united in vision. Part of
that vision is to expand into the missions’ fields. These will be ready to
support the work of our Vietnamese friends and together we can establish,
multiply and expand the work in Vietnam and beyond. Our best days are ahead!
Париж, теракт джихадистов, расизм и антисемитизм
Мир в очередной раз потрясли теракты. События 13 ноября
в Париже показывают нам истинный внутренний мир исламских боевиков. Они
готовы убивать и умереть за одну больную, «святую» идею. Та же самая болезнь является
причиной большого потока беженцев, которые каждый день испытывают такие
же ужасы на своей родине.
Подобные террористические действия станут станут подарком для
экстремистов правого крыла, которые имеют свои подтверждения.
Скоро беженцы будут обвинены в причастии тех терактов, от которых они
бежали из собственной страны. Иногда это простирается на всех подряд. Иногда
люди высказывают свое отвращение в связи с казнями христиан и езидов,
а потом публикуют такие посты как: «Не приносите этих идиотов сюда».
Люди просто потеряли способность отличать преступника от жертвы.
Да, есть проблема в Европе с радикальными исламскими
силами, которые, очевидно, преуспевают в том, чтобы привлечь много молодежи.
Будет необходимо больше ресурсов, чтобы отслеживать это.
Умение не отрицать террористические угрозы, столь же
важны, как умение не обвинять людей из Ближнего Востока, которые спасаются от тех
же боевиков. Они не террористы, они — жертвы террора. Они более потрясены этими террорами,
чем мы.
Если мы хотим быть маяком цивилизации (который мы
часто проявляем только в словах), то должны быть цивилизованными и показать великодушное
отношение к нуждающимся беженцам. Это вовсе не означает, что
мы не можем быть бдительными к возникающим задачам.
Самое причудливое в этом кошмаре то, что во всем снова обвиняют евреев.
Теперь палестинские активисты поднимут версию, что евреи виновны
в терактах. Тоже самое случилось во время теракта в «Шарли Эбдо», где непосредственно
нападения были сделаны против евреев. Все же, есть интересная
связь с Израилем.
В 1894 в антисемитском заговоре и через судебную ошибку, французско
— еврейский чиновник Дреифус был ложно осужден за шпионаж и измену.
Он был приговорен к пожизненному заключению и послан в позорный лагерь
для военнопленных, «Остров дьявола» во Французской Гвиане (он известен многим из
книги Папилон).
Во время суда толпа кричала: «Смерть Евреям». Венгерский
журналист Теодор Херзл, который был свидетелем происходящего, понял,
что если такое случилось в Европе, где евреи более интегрированы
в обществе, то они не будут в безопасности нигде. Именно в это время зародилось
видение безопасной родины, которая в свою очередь дала начало рождению государства Израиль.
К дополнению этой истории, стоит отметить, что Дреифусь,
которого приговорили к тюрьме по ложным обвинениям, был освобожден в
1906 году. Антисемитские группы рассмотрели это, как доказательство еврейского заговора
и попытались убить Дреифуса.
Таким образом, антисемиты могли обвинить «еврея», во-первых,
в шпионаже и предательстве, а потом в том, что были частью еврейского
заговора для его освобождения.
И сейчас палестинские группы обвиняют Израиль
в ужасах Парижа, которые скорее всего совершили исламские террористы. Это
сильно повреждает их авторитет! Или повредил бы, если, кто-либо заметил это!
tisdag 17 november 2015
Sunrise in Bangkok
We have just arrived to Bangkok in the early morning hours. The sun rises and a new day is dawning in this giant city. And with the sun millions rise for a new day. I have travelled through Bangkok many times, but only once did I get a chance to spend some hours here. It would definitely be worthwhile taking a few days here sometime.
Our route here were over areas where we have worked intensely over the years, cities in Russia and Ukraine, Baku, Kabul, Delhi and others. We also flew right over Yangoon, the capital of Myanmar where the historic election just a few days ago hopefully will lead the nation into a stable democracy.
Bangkok is not our destination. We are heading for Hanoi for a Word of Life International board meeting. We meet in different locations, just so that we can discuss matters where they happen. Earlier times we have met in Uppsala, Moscow, Jerusalem and Kolkata. Now it is time for southeast Asia, where doors are opening up. Together we can accomplish something good across this region. We have a good start already in Vietnam, with Word of Life works in 45 provinces across Vietnam and burgenouning expansion in neighboring countries. We definitely have an interesting future in southeast Asia!
Our route here were over areas where we have worked intensely over the years, cities in Russia and Ukraine, Baku, Kabul, Delhi and others. We also flew right over Yangoon, the capital of Myanmar where the historic election just a few days ago hopefully will lead the nation into a stable democracy.
Bangkok is not our destination. We are heading for Hanoi for a Word of Life International board meeting. We meet in different locations, just so that we can discuss matters where they happen. Earlier times we have met in Uppsala, Moscow, Jerusalem and Kolkata. Now it is time for southeast Asia, where doors are opening up. Together we can accomplish something good across this region. We have a good start already in Vietnam, with Word of Life works in 45 provinces across Vietnam and burgenouning expansion in neighboring countries. We definitely have an interesting future in southeast Asia!
lördag 14 november 2015
Paris - jihadi terror, racism and antisemitism.
A world is in shock as terror strikes again in Paris.
The terror acts in Paris show us the reality of the inner world of these perpetrators. They are ready to kill and die for a sick "holy" cause. This same, sick cause is the primary reason behind the flood of refugees, who in their homelands experience these horrors on a daily basis.
A terror act like this, is a gift to extreme right wing elements, who now have their proofs! Many of these refugees, will now be blamed of being secret terrorists, the same terror they are fleeing from in their homeland. Sometimes this spills over on people in general. When people write of their disgust concerning the beheading of Christians and Yazidis and then write posts like "Don't bring these idiots here", they have lost track of who is perpetrator and who is the victim.
Yes - there is a challenge in Europe with these radical islamic forces and who obviously succeed in attracting many young. More resources will be needed to keep track of this.
As important as to not deny the terror threat, it is important to not blame the people fleeing from these very forces in the Middle East. They are not terrorists, they are victims of terror. They are more appalled by this terror than we are.
If we want to be a beacon of civilization (which we often claim in words, at least), let us be civil, have a generous attitude toward the needy refugees. It doesn't mean we can't be sober concerning problems arising.
What adds the bizarre to this terror nightmare, is the fact that the Jew gets blamed again. Now Palestinian rights activists raises the possibility that Israel was behind the gruesome attacks! The same happened after the attack against Charlie Hedbo, in which connected attacks were made against jews directly.
There is an interesting connection to Israel, though. 1894 in an antisemitic plot and through miscarriage of justice, the french jewish officer Dreyfus was falsely condemned for espionage and treason. He was sentenced for life and sent the infamous prison camp, "Devil's Island" in French Guiana, to many more known through the book "Papillon".
During the trial, mobs were chanting "Death to the Jews!" The hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl, who witnessed this, understood that if this could happen in the very country in Europe, where the Jews had been most integrated in society, they would be safe nowhere and that was then the vision of a safe home land, a Jewish state was born, which ultimately led to the birth of the state of Israel.
As an additional twist to this story, Dreyfus who had evidently been sentenced on false charges, was acquitted 1906. Antisemitic groups saw this as a proof of a jewish plot. A right wing activist shot and wounded Dreyfus in an attempt of murder.
So in the end, the anti-Semites could still blame "the Jew" anyway, first for espionage and treason, and then for being a part of jewish plot to free him.
Now Palestinian rights groups blame Israel for the horrors in Paris, which are most likely carried out by islamic terrorists! It severely hurts their credibility! Or would, if anyone noticed it!
måndag 28 september 2015
Two quick stints to Moscow and a growing expectation
Sitting in my hotel room in a renovated stalinesque building at Prospekt Mira in Moscow. It is past midnight and traffic is still heavy. This is my second visit in two weeks.
Last time was for the board meeting of Word of Life International, which was very creative and fruitful indeed. Part of it had to do with the planning of the next WOLI Congress, that is planned March 1-4 in Turkey. I will write more about this in a coming blog post. BUT, I believe this can actually become our best congress. We see a surge and sense upward winds and have concrete steps to take to strengthen and expand the work, not the least a new wave of missions as new doors open up.
Today we met with the missions leaders from the Word of Life Centers. So wonderful to hear about a work that touches China, Indochina (where new countries are targeted), India, Central Asia and the Middle East. Much is being done, but new steps are to be taken. Together we can do more!
Now a quick nap and off again!
Last time was for the board meeting of Word of Life International, which was very creative and fruitful indeed. Part of it had to do with the planning of the next WOLI Congress, that is planned March 1-4 in Turkey. I will write more about this in a coming blog post. BUT, I believe this can actually become our best congress. We see a surge and sense upward winds and have concrete steps to take to strengthen and expand the work, not the least a new wave of missions as new doors open up.
Today we met with the missions leaders from the Word of Life Centers. So wonderful to hear about a work that touches China, Indochina (where new countries are targeted), India, Central Asia and the Middle East. Much is being done, but new steps are to be taken. Together we can do more!
Now a quick nap and off again!
tisdag 18 augusti 2015
A new season starts!
It took the lion part of summer season before the swedish summer weather manifested with sun and somewhat higher temperatures. Still it has been a good one. Good weather certainly helps, but there is so much more to summer in Sweden, which is also our primary vacation period.
Bad weather usually means more reading time, since you can't be out, either relaxing in the sun or tending to your garden. I have enjoyed some interesting books on varied topics as pentecostal missions and revival in Brazil, on the need for rest, on theology of missions, on writing, on forgiveness, on the Siberian Tiger plus a slow Grisham and some others. My bird book has not been so much in use, though.
Vacation means family time, which is invaluable. Life is often quite hectic and vacation time gives more space for quality time with all members of the family. A roadtrip on 7000 km through Europe and much to see. Two of my daughters have been living abroad, so it was nice to see them, both in their respective homes abroad and back home here as they have now returned Sweden. Relation spells T I M E. Thankful for that this summer.
Most northern inhabitants shrug a bit as they understand summer is nearing its end and a new season is to set in. Maybe it is because we in a modern society spend so much time during the rest of the year inside our working places, offices etc.
I am grown up on a big farm. End of summer was not a disaster. It actually brought us into a new, very exciting season, autumn. In english it is sometime called fall, maybe because the leaves fall off. The Norwegians have a more positive approach. They call it "høst", which is also their word for harvest. At our farm autumn meant harvest time. The fields were full of ripening crops. Autumn is also hunting season and the time when all the fish we grew in large dams where to be "harvested". End of summer was a time of anticipation.
We had a truly great Europe Conference this year. Glad to see the many guests from China, Russia, India, Ukraine and many other places. The conference touched hearts deeply, it manifested Christian unity, it urged to heeding the great commission, it inspired to dream bigger dreams and press on forward. I believe we are in the beginning of a new season where things will speed up and intensify, not the least in missions.
Right now forty pastors from the Word of Life network are in India. In about a week we have a team heading for Iraq, we have about 10 volunteers heading for Vietnam and India. About 15 bible schools will start up a new school years. Autumn is he start up time for a new fruitful year, with a multitude of transformed lives on the different missions fields.
I am full of anticipation!
Bad weather usually means more reading time, since you can't be out, either relaxing in the sun or tending to your garden. I have enjoyed some interesting books on varied topics as pentecostal missions and revival in Brazil, on the need for rest, on theology of missions, on writing, on forgiveness, on the Siberian Tiger plus a slow Grisham and some others. My bird book has not been so much in use, though.
Vacation means family time, which is invaluable. Life is often quite hectic and vacation time gives more space for quality time with all members of the family. A roadtrip on 7000 km through Europe and much to see. Two of my daughters have been living abroad, so it was nice to see them, both in their respective homes abroad and back home here as they have now returned Sweden. Relation spells T I M E. Thankful for that this summer.
Most northern inhabitants shrug a bit as they understand summer is nearing its end and a new season is to set in. Maybe it is because we in a modern society spend so much time during the rest of the year inside our working places, offices etc.
I am grown up on a big farm. End of summer was not a disaster. It actually brought us into a new, very exciting season, autumn. In english it is sometime called fall, maybe because the leaves fall off. The Norwegians have a more positive approach. They call it "høst", which is also their word for harvest. At our farm autumn meant harvest time. The fields were full of ripening crops. Autumn is also hunting season and the time when all the fish we grew in large dams where to be "harvested". End of summer was a time of anticipation.
We had a truly great Europe Conference this year. Glad to see the many guests from China, Russia, India, Ukraine and many other places. The conference touched hearts deeply, it manifested Christian unity, it urged to heeding the great commission, it inspired to dream bigger dreams and press on forward. I believe we are in the beginning of a new season where things will speed up and intensify, not the least in missions.
Right now forty pastors from the Word of Life network are in India. In about a week we have a team heading for Iraq, we have about 10 volunteers heading for Vietnam and India. About 15 bible schools will start up a new school years. Autumn is he start up time for a new fruitful year, with a multitude of transformed lives on the different missions fields.
I am full of anticipation!
fredag 12 juni 2015
A salute to unknown heroes!
In Hebrews
11 we have a list of the Old Testament heroes of faith. They all have their story of
extraordinary challenges and how faith in God brought them victory. They are
there to inspire generations of bible reading believers to new exploits in the faith. The author finishes by
writing “ And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell about
…..” Behind these famed heroes are
unknown numbers of more heroes in the faith whose names are not known to us. Still their contributions live on.
Nowhere is this more true than on the missions fields throughout history. David Livingstone wrote – And although I see few results, future missionaries will see conversions following every sermon. May they not forget the pioneers who worked in the thick gloom with few rays to cheer, except such as flow from faith in the precious promises of God's Word.
Behind the towering figures of David Livingstone, William Carey and Hudson Taylour there were countless committed pioneer missionaries that worked far away from the limelight. Few know of them except the first fruits of converts that would then carry the work on. They paved the way for future generations. Even if their names are not known to us, we owe them. The truth is, we are all the result of earlier generations' prayers, tears and toils. What they sowed with tears, we have harvested with joy. Without their efforts we wouldn't be where we are today!
In many countries there are graves of an unknown soldier. No one knows his name, nor what he went through in battle. He cannot be awarded for any certain heroic feat. But it is evident to all that he paid the highest price and that his contribution helped to bring the victory. Therefore an entire nation honors him. He is not just an unknown soldier. He is an anonymous hero!
This is true today as well. On the missions fields there are anonymous heroes. Biographies has not been written about them. They might not be popular conference speakers. But they do a tremendous and important work preaching the gospel and establishing the church, for coming generations to enjoy.
A missionary cannot seek earthly glory. He will then undoubtebly be disappointed. There is an anecdote about a returning missionary. After decades on the field he arrived by boat to New York City. Eagerly he looked down at the quay as the ship was docking. Music was played by a large brassband and there was a red carpet. His heart started beating. What a welcome home! Warm surges went through his body. His was in awe. Soon his enthusiasm turned into disappointment, though. The red carpet was not for him, it was for a British Royal on a state visit to USA. The missionary started complaining to God. "Has this Royal done anything good for this world? He has lived in a palace while I was toiling in Africa. How has he earned this treatment?" His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice inside his heart. "Son, you are not home, yet".
At the true homecoming, there will be a greater fanfare. There the deeds that might have looked insignificant in the eyes of the world will be rewarded. They might not have made it into the books of history, but they definitely made it in to the historic records of heaven. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Cor 15:58 Welcome home you faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord! Matt 25:21
Here a salute to all unknown heroes! Their contributions are priceless.
Nowhere is this more true than on the missions fields throughout history. David Livingstone wrote – And although I see few results, future missionaries will see conversions following every sermon. May they not forget the pioneers who worked in the thick gloom with few rays to cheer, except such as flow from faith in the precious promises of God's Word.
Behind the towering figures of David Livingstone, William Carey and Hudson Taylour there were countless committed pioneer missionaries that worked far away from the limelight. Few know of them except the first fruits of converts that would then carry the work on. They paved the way for future generations. Even if their names are not known to us, we owe them. The truth is, we are all the result of earlier generations' prayers, tears and toils. What they sowed with tears, we have harvested with joy. Without their efforts we wouldn't be where we are today!
In many countries there are graves of an unknown soldier. No one knows his name, nor what he went through in battle. He cannot be awarded for any certain heroic feat. But it is evident to all that he paid the highest price and that his contribution helped to bring the victory. Therefore an entire nation honors him. He is not just an unknown soldier. He is an anonymous hero!
This is true today as well. On the missions fields there are anonymous heroes. Biographies has not been written about them. They might not be popular conference speakers. But they do a tremendous and important work preaching the gospel and establishing the church, for coming generations to enjoy.
A missionary cannot seek earthly glory. He will then undoubtebly be disappointed. There is an anecdote about a returning missionary. After decades on the field he arrived by boat to New York City. Eagerly he looked down at the quay as the ship was docking. Music was played by a large brassband and there was a red carpet. His heart started beating. What a welcome home! Warm surges went through his body. His was in awe. Soon his enthusiasm turned into disappointment, though. The red carpet was not for him, it was for a British Royal on a state visit to USA. The missionary started complaining to God. "Has this Royal done anything good for this world? He has lived in a palace while I was toiling in Africa. How has he earned this treatment?" His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice inside his heart. "Son, you are not home, yet".
At the true homecoming, there will be a greater fanfare. There the deeds that might have looked insignificant in the eyes of the world will be rewarded. They might not have made it into the books of history, but they definitely made it in to the historic records of heaven. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Cor 15:58 Welcome home you faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord! Matt 25:21
Here a salute to all unknown heroes! Their contributions are priceless.
söndag 31 maj 2015
Anecdotes from a Russian steam bath
During my
years of living in and travelling in Russia, I really learned to enjoy one of
their most treasured social pastimes – the banya.
The banya is the Russian version of
sauna, but it is much more than just a sauna. It is an institution. It is an
important social glue. It is also what close friends do together. In the heat of the
banya, friendship is forged. Here everybody is on equal terms. There is a Russian saying - In the banya there are no generals. In this naked reality there are no uniforms, no stars. In Old Russian
wedding tradition the groom would carry the bride into the banya for a first steam bath together to give the marriage a good
start. One could say that “people that sweat together, stick together”, wether
newly weds or friends.
Why the banya has gotten to play such a central role in
Russian social life, has to do with traditional village life. Russia is a cold
country with long freezing winters and which has an abundance of snow and wood. Until recent they often had no running water in
the villages, even less warm
water. In the heat of the banya you
can regain the upper hand over the cold. You also get clean as you wash yourself in the heated water. It was therefore in old times also the chosen place
for childbirth.

During the
chilling pauses one usually drinks tea, juices, home made compottes or kvas, the
traditional drink made out of fermenting rye bread. At the table there might be
bread, salads, fishes, meats, fruit and nuts. As one has spent a few hours in
the banya, one feels like a new
person, cleansed, refreshed physically and deeply relaxed and one is full and is
happy for a close social and happy social time.
There are
legends, as old as the Russian Ortodox church, about how the Apostle Andrew
visited the northern shores of the Black Sea to preach among the Greek colonies
there and then continued north into Slavic lands up along the river Dniepr as
far as to Novgorod. "I saw the land of
the Slavs, and while I was among them, I noticed their wooden bathhouses. They
warm them to extreme heat, then undress, and after anointing themselves with
tallow, they take young reeds and lash their bodies. They actually lash
themselves so violently that they barely escape alive. Then they drench
themselves with cold water, and thus are revived. They think nothing of doing
this every day, and actually inflict such voluntary torture on themselves. They
make of the act not a mere washing but a veritable torment."
It might be
difficult to verify the truth of these stories, but these words very well
describe my own and my fellow missionaries’ common first impressions of our
first confrontations with the banya.
Very soon though, we learnt to appreciate it very much. It kept us warm during
the ice-cold winters and there lifelong friendships were born. Many deep and
sincere spiritual talks we have had there after services. The banya is not only part of Russian
culture and history; it is definitely a part of the Russian revival we have
onsdag 27 maj 2015
Новая волна миссии
Мы провели потрясающие дни в Москве.
Русскоязычная часть Международного объединения «Слово жизни» собралась
на пасторской конференции, посвященной миссии и лидерству. Я был
очень рад служить вместе с Лэрри Стокстиллом, Маттс-Олой Исхоелом, Артуром
Симоняном и многими другими. Около шестисот делегатов приехали
из девяти стран для участия в богослужениях и семинарах,
на которых спикеры преподавали практическое учение по разным
отдельным аспектам миссии: как стать миссионером на полное время, как
достигать Евангелием малые народы, как адаптироваться к культуре, миссия
в Индии, на Ближнем Востоке и так далее.
Мы с радостью наблюдали, как чувство
единства, принадлежности одной семье, веры и ожидания усиливались
на протяжении конференции. На эти дни я получил место
из Писания: «Утверждающий же нас с вами во Христе
и помазавший нас есть Бог» (2 Кор. 1:21).
Он утверждает нас, и Он помазывает. Я могу засвидетельствовать,
что именно так и получилось. Отклики всех пасторов подтверждали это слово.
Мы — одна большая команда!
Потрясающе было увидеть, насколько важна
и жива работа в странах СНГ. Мы уже видим сильное миссионерское
движение. Это начало нового шага в истории нашей миссии. Это начало новой
В юности я пытался заниматься
серфингом. Нужно оттолкнуться, чтобы занять положение перед волной, когда она
приближается к берегу. Сначала волна может выглядеть незначительной,
но постепенно она поднимается выше и выше. Когда она приближается
к берегу, нужно оттолкнуться, чтобы набрать скорость и поймать волну.
Не сможешь оттолкнуться — упустишь волну. Когда же поймаешь
волну, то она сама подхватит тебя, и внезапно ты почувствуешь
себя во власти огромной силы, и тогда начнется приключение.
Вот что происходило в «Слове жизни»
в конце 80-х и начале 90-х при зарождении русской миссии. Назвать это
историей миссии не будет преувеличением. Родилось более тысячи церквей,
более десяти тысяч человек прошли через библейские курсы, преобразились жизни
бесчисленного множества людей.
Теперь пора всем этим церквям шагнуть вперед
в международную миссию. Они помещены стратегически, чтобы шагнуть
на юг на Ближний Восток, Центральную Азию, Индию, Индокитай
и Китай. Начинается новое приключение!
Вместе до края Земли!
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