
fredag 25 april 2014

Life changing multiplication

Matt 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Today we have been working with planning next year’s bible schools. It is exciting! I look forward to the coming year where we are to start a number of new schools in different parts of the world. There new people will be trained for a life of service unto the Lord.

It is actually quite wonderful to see what a powerful missions tool this has become. What started as a one year bible school here in Uppsala 1983 with 200 students (back then already Sweden's biggest bible school) has evolved into an international web of bible schools in 10 countries with up to 1500-2000 students a year. All in all almost 30 000 student have gone through programs, and 30 000 more though very similar programs run by our graduates across the world.

These are big numbers, but these are all dear individuals. Today some of these are church leaders, pioneers, pastors and missionaries. There are also multitudes of believers that are making large contributions as committed and well-equipped church members, to help to build their churches strong, so the fruit is rich and varied.

Jesus said, “Make disciples, teach them”. In our bible schools we do just that. We are making disciples that make disciples that make disciples. Nothing beats a well-trained national in reaching their own countries. Soon our students will graduate and “will be sent into victorious battle for the Lord”. And in the fall we start over again with a new batch! 

Can’t wait!

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