
lördag 26 april 2014

Умножение, изменяющее жизнь

Матфея 28:19-20 «Итак, идите, научите все народы, крестя их во имя Отца и Сына и Святого Духа, уча их соблюдать все, что Я повелел вам. И вот, Я с вами во все дни до скончания века».
Сегодня мы работали над вопросами планирования деятельности наших  библейских школ в следующем году. Это воодушевляет!  Я с нетерпением жду предстоящего года, когда в различных странах мира мы начнем несколько новых школ.  Много людей обретут возможность получить библейское образование, чтобы затем эффективно служить Господу.
На самом деле довольно удивительно  видеть, насколько сильным орудием миссии  стало это служение.  В 1983 году здесь, в Упсале, все началось с годичной библейской школы, в которой обучались  200 студентов (на то время это уже была самая большая библейская школа в Швеции),  однако за прошедшие годы служение выросло до международной сети библейских школ в 10 странах, которые ежегодно выпускают 1500-2000 человек. В целом, программу прошли почти 30 000 человек и еще 30 000 прослушали очень похожие программы, проводимые нашими выпускниками по всему миру.
Это большие цифры, но за ними стоят драгоценные люди. Сегодня некоторые из них являются лидерами церквей, евангелистами, пасторами и миссионерами.  Многие другие наши выпускники, посвященные и снаряженные для служения, вносят большой вклад в жизнь своих общин, помогая созидать свои церкви сильными и преуспевающими,  поэтому плоды обильны и разнообразны.
Иисус сказал: «Научите, сделайте учениками». Именно это и происходит в наших библейских школах. Мы делаем верующих учениками Христа, которые затем делают других учениками Христа, которые поднимают своих  учеников.  В том, что касается приобретения своих стран для Иисуса, ничто не может сравниться с хорошо подготовленными  национальными служителями. Этот учебный год подходит к концу, и вскоре наши выпускники будут «высланы в победоносную битву для Господа». А осенью, с новой группой студентов, мы еще раз все начнем сначала!
Ожидаю с нетерпением!

fredag 25 april 2014

Life changing multiplication

Matt 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Today we have been working with planning next year’s bible schools. It is exciting! I look forward to the coming year where we are to start a number of new schools in different parts of the world. There new people will be trained for a life of service unto the Lord.

It is actually quite wonderful to see what a powerful missions tool this has become. What started as a one year bible school here in Uppsala 1983 with 200 students (back then already Sweden's biggest bible school) has evolved into an international web of bible schools in 10 countries with up to 1500-2000 students a year. All in all almost 30 000 student have gone through programs, and 30 000 more though very similar programs run by our graduates across the world.

These are big numbers, but these are all dear individuals. Today some of these are church leaders, pioneers, pastors and missionaries. There are also multitudes of believers that are making large contributions as committed and well-equipped church members, to help to build their churches strong, so the fruit is rich and varied.

Jesus said, “Make disciples, teach them”. In our bible schools we do just that. We are making disciples that make disciples that make disciples. Nothing beats a well-trained national in reaching their own countries. Soon our students will graduate and “will be sent into victorious battle for the Lord”. And in the fall we start over again with a new batch! 

Can’t wait!

fredag 18 april 2014

Ecce Homo and missions!

Easter is a wonderful opportunity for us to contemplate and more fully enter into what Jesus really did for us through his sacrificial death and resurrection. A deeper understanding will lead to greater appreciation and thankfulness and can lead to a fuller spiritual life. 

But it can also help us to see that this is not only for us - this is for a whole world out there.
"He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world"! 
1 John 2:2

The young Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) was sent on the grand tour, a tour through Europe to see its courts, universities, museums and other things that would promote a good education and preparation for a life and the duties of a noble man.

Count Zinzendorf
Ecce Homo

In an art gallery in Dusseldorf he is captivated by a Domenico Feti's "Ecce Homo", (Behold the Man). The text on the frame captivated him - This I have done for you. What have you done for Me? Zinzendorf, already a committed Christian vows "I will do more!" 

He came to deeply appreciate Jesus sacrifice. A meeting with the passion (suffering) of Jesus turned into a passion to serve Him - “These wounds were meant to purchase me. These drops of blood were shed to obtain me. I am not my own today. I belong to another. I have been bought with a price. And I will live every moment of this day so that the Great Purchaser of my soul will receive the full reward of His suffering.” 

He later becomes a pioneer in missions, was part of igniting the first major protestant mission's movement, where they do more in missions in 20 years than the entire Protestant church had done for 200. 

"I have but one passion - it is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ." -

With Christ, To the Ends of the World!


torsdag 17 april 2014

As we enter into Easter!

 Dear friends!

As we now enter into Easter I want so send you some thoughts. Just a week ago I walked the streets where these events played out.

This last week of Jesus before the crucifixion contains the biggest drama in human history.  This week displays the deepest darkness and the brightest light, at times side by side, at times in full confrontation. Here we see the true condition of fallen man and his absolute need of salvation, he is fallen beyond repair, but also God’s unconditional love and mercy.

It starts with the entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, cheered by the people of Jerusalem He rides in on a donkey to the shouts, “Hosanna, Son of David”! The crowd’s messianic expectations were misguided, though. He didn’t come to reign, he came to die! For Him was not waiting a crown of gold, but a crown of thorns. Little did they know, although He knew, these shouts would soon be exchanged to the mob’s shouts “Crucify, crucify!”.

Today is Maundy Thursday, the night when Jesus establishes the New covenant at the Last supper. He trembles on the inside, but the disciples are still oblivious to what is about to happen. Judas hurries to sell his master for a few coins. A few hours later Jesus struggles alone in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Here is the pivotal point - the clash between man’s worst and God’s best. Hatred (Pharisees), betrayal (Judas), indifference (disciples sleeping while Jesus struggles), cowardice (disciples fleeing as Jesus is arrested) versus unselfish, unconditional and decisive love. Jesus decides to go all the way even if He now is totally alone and is to go through unimaginable suffering.

He knew what was waiting. A lonely night in a dungeon, interrogations, mockery and scorn, beatings and whippings and a gruelling last walk carrying His cross to Calvary and ultimately crucifixion. All this hatred and darkness directed toward one man, and still His response is forgiveness and mercy. Here He fully takes on humanity’s sin and iniquity, our incapacity to abstain from evil. We were hostage to our own sin and He becomes the ransom that frees us from the forces that kept us captive! “Behold, the Lamb of God that carries away the sin of the world”! The scores were to be settled, the price was to be paid and we were to be made free!

A Blessed Easter, my friend!
